Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di Pietà 1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

Luisa Elia | SEASONS

From 25/09/2014 To 25/10/2014

"Young Luisa Elia worked in an atelier as during Renaissance". Carmelo Bene

The first personal exhibition in Turin of Luisa Elia realized in the new space of the gallery Raffaella De Chirico Contemporary after the group exhibitions "To be continued" and "Mater" in Via Vanchiglia.

The relationship with the artist has been strenghthend throughout an exhibition representing a tiny anthological of the works produced with all the materials Luisa Elia has always loved: sand, rubber, soil, salt, paper.

In the next months after the exhibition in Turin an anthological publication curated by Federico Sardella will be realized.

Art Exhibitions Turin

Contemporary Art Exhibitions Turin
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