Contemporary Art Gallery Turin

Contemporary Artists

Artists Artists in the gallery

Alejandro Cartagena

Dominican Republic, 1977
He lives and works in Monterrey, Mexico

Alison Jackson

London, 1960
Lives and works in London

Andi Kacziba

Budapest, 1974
Lives and works in Milan

Arjan Shehaj

Patos (Albania), 1989
Lives and works in Milan

Börje Tobiasson

Tingsas, 1952
Lives and works everywhere

Bruno Marrapodi

Milan, 1983
Lives and works in Milan

Claudia Virginia Vitari

1978, Turin
Lives and works in Berlin

Diego Ibarra Sánchez

1982, Saragoza
Lives and works in Beirut

Eugenia Martínez

1976, Monterrey
Lives and works in Mexico City

Eva Sørensen

Hernig, 1940 - Verbania 2019
Lived in Verbania

Fabio Perino

Torino, 1990
Lives and works in Torino

Gisella Chaudry

Palermo 1989
Lives and works in Turin

Horiki Katsutomi

Tokio, 1929 - Cigliano 2021
Lived and worked in Italy

Ima Montoya

1963, Bilbao
Lives and works in Barcellona

Irina Gabiani

1971, Tbilisi
Lives and works in Luxembourg

Jacopo Mandich

Rome, 1979
Lives and works in Torino

Liu Xia

Beijing, 1959.
She lives and works in Berlin

Malachi Farrell

Dublin, 1960
Lives and works in Paris

Manu Brabo

Saragoza (Spain), 1982
Lives and works in Gijon

Matteo Procaccioli Della Valle

Jesi, 1983
Lives and works in Milan

Mohsen Baghernejad Moghanjooghi

Tehran, 1988
Lives and works in Turin

Narciso Contreras

Mexico City, 1975
Lives and works in Stockholm

Nico Mingozzi

Portomaggiore, 1976.
Lives and works in Borghi

Sergio Ragalzi

Turin, 1951
Lives and works in Turin


Stefano Forgione Avellino, 1969 | Pino Rossi Avellino, 1972
Live and work between Avellino and Naples

Art Gallery Turin
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