Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di PietĂ  1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

Mohsen Baghernejad | (IN)

From 02/11/2019 To 28/12/2019

"The soul of a place should be discovered as people soul.
It's possible that it will not be immediately revealed. The discovery of the soul and becoming familiar with, needs a lot of time and a few meetings"

James Hillman

Saturday November, 2 for the Torino Contemporary Art Night, in both galleries will be opened the exhibit (IN) of the IRanian artist Mohsen Baghernejad (Teheran, 1988).
In the main gallery the project born from the idea to use partially the same material of the space that guests the exhibit. Three plant forms have been realized using the plaster of the gallery walls; the missing parts of the walls will remain visible.
In Baghernejad idea, the artwok assumes on itsself the "soul" of the space. Quoting again James Hillman, places have a soul: "Once upon a time, during ancient times, spirits appeared in specific places: unser a tree, near a water source, a well spring, onto a mountain, at the entrance of a snake nest. Men surrounded the place with stones: to protect its interiority.
Seven hand made engraved sheets showing short sentences in Italian, English and Persian complete the exhibit in the main gallery; during an historical period sometimes evanescent, the Artis uses some tools that can help us to remember. Always, writing is interpreter and guardian of peronal and universal memory.
Baghernejad personally choosed the title of his exhibit, (IN), INside, INtimate. The place can become a territory of the memory, when the location is the mirror of our autobiographical story, where we can find the memory of ourselves but especially the memory of the relationship with the surrounding world.
Conceptually linked to the show exhibited in the main gallery, but experimenting different materials as pottery, in the Project Room Mohsen presents again an housing space where the work is the edge of a carpet. The idea comes form a traditional dance of the Turkish part of Iran, where the family of the Artist come from. The choice of using the ceramic satisfies the needs of Baghernejad: he wanted to use a material as delicate as a family Equilibrium and, above all, as much rich. The artwork is the result of an Artist two months summer residency in Mondovì, at Museo della Ceramica.

Art Exhibitions Turin

Contemporary Art Exhibitions Turin
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