Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di Pietà 1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

Tiziana e Gianni Baldizzone | TRAVELLING WITHOUT MOVING

From 22/09/2020 To 17/10/2020

The first Tiziana and Gianni Baldizzone solo-show is focused on movement, during an historical period that is strongly penalized by the pandemia. So, now, the beneficiaries of the show could travel with their own eyes, maybe with the unavoidable projective mechanism to images but above all through the look of the two great photographers: during the modern age, that Heidegger defined as "the world as image", photography separated the image of the world from necessity of our phisical presence in world places. Since 1977, when the two met in Madagascar and mixed personal life and work, they have always been working together and since then, they create personal and collective memory.
There are a few ways not to succumb to this particular year, but Photography as conservation toolfor our memory as help to develope an imaginary planning ability, is certainly very useful.
The selection of the shots cover a period from the Nightie's to around 2012; among different subjects the nomadism, in Siberia or Mauritania and this is a life style that needs more than others of creation of memories through the images; you will find the characters of a totally overturned world during the peculiar Carnival in Imst in the Austrian Tirolo; the cadaver of a car as street signage in the incalculable vastness of Mongolia.

For this show the tout-court movement concept has been analized, not only as phisical and geographical transfer but also metaphorical, through the passage of knowledge and the tradition from Master-Apprentice as well as from parents to children. Fitting the Cartier-Bresson idea of snap-shot, Tiziana and Gianni condense the instant of the time and also the transfer of the knolowdge: the iconic shot of the Malian Aboubakar Fofana takes him exactly when his indigo painted clothes expand in the space and at the same time, in that gesture, there is the story of the knolodges of generations of women of his village. This shot also takes part of another Baldizzone solo-show, an antological exhibit called "Transmissions. People to People" at the Museo del Risorgimento in Torino (until January, 6), open simultaneously the show at the De Chirico gallery.

The exhibit is part of Ouverture, the usual TAG, Torino Art Galleries, opening in September, with the contribute of Fondazione CRT per l'Arte, that this year is a three days ouverture, 22-23-24 September to allow a fixed quota entrance and takes place in both locations of the gallery: Via Giolitti, 52 (Thursday-Friday Saturday 15.00|19.00) and the Home Gallery in Via Cervino, 18B (open only by appointment).

Art Exhibitions Turin

Contemporary Art Exhibitions Turin
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