Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di Pietà 1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

Fabio Perino | RAIN GUN

From 13/05/2021 To 03/07/2021

The new space at Raffaella De Chirico’s gallery situated at via Barbaroux, 16 in Turin is opening with RAIN GUN by artist Fabio Perino (Turin 1990), at his first solo exhibition.
Following a cycle of Studio Visit events at the artist’s evocative house/atelier in 2020, during which visitors could enjoy work focused on point and line, two basic geometric elements, the exhibition introduces a new cycle of work based on the evolution of the artist’s thought and study and explores themes that pose questions on certain generally accepted truths, as well as exploring the contradictions they raise.
The line is now dematerialized and loses its physical features. What the line as a geometric element summarized and compressed before is now expanding in a limitless dimension. The attention shifts towards human nature’s own incoherence and imbalance; its ambition to overcome the primigenial creating act is destined to object to something to which it belongs.
Video, installation, and photography constitute a uniform body of work for a narrating structure, whose fil rouge is a breakdown in communication.
The most significant works in the exhibition include: Self Portrait (Passport, neon light, Cycas revoluta’s leaf) in which the poetry of a self-portrait pauses on a human being’s essential identity, which is indispensable from birth; Filling the Sea (2021, print on hahnemühle Photo Rag Bright White 310 gsm paper) depicts an action at the beach in Bordighera. The artist is filling the sea with water, standing for humankind’s incoherence, expressed through a completely controversial action.
The 7-minute-long video Dear no-one, will be projected by appointment at the artist’s house/atelier in via Gioberti 8 ( o +393928972581). The water pouring out almost obsessively with precise rhythmicity, marked by the water head is an allegory for human life and symbolises energy, without purpose or reason, and incoherence, destined to meet the ghost of reality as the only objective source of comparison. The installation changes depending on the viewpoint; the same audio- visual has been filmed from different cameras and is projected on three walls, accompanied by the natural sound of the work itself as well as by a performative dimension due to people’s physical presence.

Art Exhibitions Turin

Contemporary Art Exhibitions Turin
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